
Monday, March 30, 2015

Artist Inspiration - Georgia O'Keeffe

The artist that inspires me the most is Georgia O'Keeffe.  I really connected to her landscape paintings when I was in college studying Contemporary Art History.  What I admire the most about her work is the bright colors used in the paintings, bringing out all that emotion from within herself.  O'Keeffe's paintings are truly a spiritual experience in themselves.  I feel a connection with her art and identify with her subjects she paints. The bright colors she uses to create her work are breath taking.  If you want to view more of her work or read about this artist you can visit her gallery in Santa Fe, NM.

O' Keeffe
Black Cross

This painting is one of my favorites from her series of cross paintings she has done.  What I find interesting about this composition is how the cross divides the picture plane.  It is very minimalist, yet still the viewer can distinguish that it is a landscape painting.  The colors in the sunset are powerful and draw you into the setting.

O' Keeffe
Black Cross with Stars and Blue

This is another favorite painting from O'Keeffe that I am drawn to.  I like the feeling of solitude from this painting.  The cool colors of blue capture the stillness of a desert night.
O' Keeffe
Rams Head

Many of her bone paintings with landscapes are very abstract and even surreal looking.  In her later years she lived and painted in Northwestern part of New Mexico.  This area is very desolate but yet has lots of beautiful land formations.  This area inspired Georgia and it shows in her work.

O' Keeffe
Red Hills and Bones

This painting captures how this area surrounding O'Keeffe's studio really looked.  I often wondered if these mountains and hills had all these colors that she captured in her work.  After finally visiting her studio, Ghost Ranch in Albique, NM I found out that it was true.

O' Keeffe
Chama River at Ghost Ranch

When I was at Ghost Ranch Studio I was able to walk in the same places where Georgia painted and lived her life.  I was inspired to create my own style of paintings during this time.  This painting of the Chama River is one of my favorites, because I like how movement is captured in the water and the use of warm and cool colors  complimenting each other in this piece.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Abstract Relief Sculpture

Artist:  Michael M.
Media:  Cardboard/ found objects
Title:  "Abstract Relief Sculpture"